DUET The Duet see-through fireplace is a lyrical expression of cutting-edge contemporary design. As the only double- sided wood burning fireplace to meet the EPA’s most exacting emission standards, it confirms Supreme’s position as the industry leader of clean burn technology. The Duet doubles as a visually compelling feature in any interior scheme, whether installed as a centerpiece or as a decorative divider between two rooms. Several patented technologies ensure user-friendly ignition that can effortlessly warm spaces of 2,000 square feet. A dual air-wash system keeps both glass panels clean, even on low- burn settings, while the unique baffle design prevents smoke escaping when either door is opened. The Duet will introduce a sense of harmony along with superior heating capability to your home. S E E - T H R O U G H F I R E P L A C E S See-Through Wood Burning Fireplace 14 6 inch listed to UL 103/ ULC S629 standards EPA 28 & 5G option 3, CSA B-415.1.10, UL 127-2011 and ULC S610-M87 3.6 g/hr with EPA method 28 & 5G 2.2 g/hr with CSA method B-415.1.10 SPECIFICATIONS* Heat Capacity 2,000 square feet 100,000 BTUs/hour (based on a 33 lb load of wood) 3.1 cubic feet 9/605,851, 7/325,547 & 9/476,593 *Same specifications for Duet 4 Seasons 22¾”x 15” Max. Heat Output EPA Firebox Size Certifications Chimney Glass Dimensions Patent Numbers